Für Health & Wellness Brands:

Mit Educational Funnels & Meta Ads auf +1 Mio. Monatsumsatz als Health & Supplement Brand.

Als exklusive Boutique Agentur haben wir ein bewährtes System entwickelt mit dem wir CACs senken sowie deinen Profit & Unternehmenswert steigern.

who is this for?

Verkaufst Du Health & Wellness Produkte?

Das Ziel dieses Letters ist, einen neuen Weg aufzuzeigen, wie Brands mit Health & Wellness Produkten in 2024 profitabel wachsen können, trotz globaler Kontraktion.
Dieser neue Weg funktioniert für folgende Märkte:
Tierprodukte, die ein spezifisches Problem lösen
Kosmetikprodukte, die eine Transformation hervorrufen
Das hier ist relevant für dich, wenn Du auf mehrfach achtstellige Jahresumsätze wachsen willst ...

... aber die Skalierung gerade noch ein Hindernis ist.
Du hast geile Produkte, die wirklich etwas verändern, aber ...

❌ Steigende CACs machen es unmöglich zu skalieren.

❌ Kein Creative trifft mehr die Benchmarks.

❌ Dein Profit am Ende des Monats wird immer schmaler

und Agenturen sagen Dir:
“So ist das nunmal in 2024!”
Das größte Problem für Brands in dieser Stage ist ein skalierbares System zur Neukundengewinnung. 

= 9/10 Brands haben keine skalierfähige Neukundenakquise.
Aber das ist nur das Symptom!

Die Ursache liegt viel tiefer.

Eine Sache, die die komplette Marketing Bubble übersehen hat.

3 Makro Trends, die Wachstum für Health & Wellness Brands noch schwerer machen

1.  Customer Uncertainty and Behavior Change
Durch anhaltende globale Unsicherheiten und Finanzpolitik sinkt die Kaufbereitschaft und viele durchschauen UGC, was mehr und mehr Leute immun gegen Werbung macht.

2. Das Agenturmodell ist veraltet. Viele Agenturen sind in Wahrheit "Generalisten", keine Spezialisten.
Größere Agenturen versuchen zu skalieren, viele Kunden annehmen und ein Fließband aufbauen. Wir haben das selbst erlebt. Wir standen vor der gleichen Entscheidung: Wollen wir skalieren, indem wir mehr Klienten in verschiedenen Nischen betreuen oder uns auf wenige ausgewählte Partner begrenzen und der beste Experte der Nische werden?

Zudem gibt es gerade eine Flut neuer Agenturen und Freelancer, mit oberflächlicher bis gar keiner Erfahrung. Es wird immer schwieriger, Partner zu finden, die ihr Handwerk wirklich verstehen und Nischenexpertise aufgebaut haben.

Supplement Brands sind halt anders als Fashion Brands. Vor einigen Jahren mag es gereicht haben, ein Generalist in der Industrie zu sein. Oberflächliches Wissen für Produkte zu haben. Es hat einfach alles funktioniert. Facebook Ads konnte man bis ins Unendliche skalieren. Diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Es passiert eine Marktbereinigung.

Viele Health & Wellness Brands übernehmen die gleichen Strategien wie eine Food Brand oder eine Fashion Brand. Es werden Taktiken übernommen, aber die Strategie dahinter ist brüchig.

3. Bei Health & Wellness Produkten wollen sich Kunden vorher informieren, aber die meisten versuchen mit Image Ads und einer Produktpage oder 30 sekündigem UGC Verkäufe zu erzielen.

Es braucht neue Strategien!

Die Wahrheit ist ...
Du kannst dein Health oder Wellness Business profitabel auf mehrfach 8-stellige Umsätze bringen mit Meta Ads und Educational Funnels.
Doch ...
der Grund, warum Health & Wellness Brands scheitern, ist weil sie mit "Generalisten Agenturen" arbeiten, die durch fehlende Tiefe in einem Spezialgebiet nicht die neusten relevanten Strategien kennen, immer nur an der Oberfläche kratzen, Taktiken wie UGC hinterherrennen, dadurch Blind sind und die neuen Trends der Industrie verpassen, die die größten Brands schamlos ausnutzen.

Sie verpassen Scaling Secrets, die nur mit Tiefe und Expertise erreichbar sind.
“The best companies are built on secrets
and truths that no one wants to admit.”
- Peter Thiel
secrets & truths

Fakt ist ...

Health & Wellness Produkte müssen anders vermarktet werden.
Das Neue Modell folgt zwei Prinzipien:
Education statt selling.
Spezialisierter Growth Partner statt Generalisten-Agentur
Diejenigen, die sich am schnellsten anpassen und neue Wege (Industry Secrets) in der Paid Social nutzen können, werden stark wachsen, und diejenigen, die sich nicht anpassen, werden nicht bestehen.
Genau das hat uns geholfen, Erfolgsstories zu kreieren im Health & Wellness Sektor. 
Unser System besteht aus 8 Schritten:

1. Data Driven Growth Strategy
2. Big Idea Research System
3. High Value Offers
4. Blue Ocean Angles
5. Educational Funnels
6. Creative Production Machine
7. Media Buying
8. Multi Channel Optimization
the vatlas method

The 8 Step VATLAS Method “The Infinite Growth Cycle Concept for Health & Wellness Brands.

Step 1
Data-Driven Growth Strategy
This can be packaged in templates/SOPs:
Data tool installation
Data analysis according to VATLAS data pyramid (CLV, Contribution Margin, NC ROAS)
Uncover bottlenecks
Find Low Hanging Fruits
3 month sprint plan
Almost everyone has been jumping on UGC for the past year, believing they can turn things around with a few ads.
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data!"
- Sherlock Holmes
Or another quote I like to use: “When there is data smoke, there is business fire!”
The result of not having a clear understanding of the data: the wrong offer is advertised. The data actually shows that Product X has a higher margin and repurchase rate.Thus, money is burned for offers that cannot work at all.
There is no overview. And hired the next UGC agency again.
You start with tactics. Not with the strategy.
Before we make creatives, we first create a data analysis. We ask ourselves questions like: What customer lifetime value do we have for which products? What is our break even and target ROAS? Which cohorts bring us the most profit?
We have a solid data basis and know exactly where the bottlenecks are that we are allowed to solve.
Step 2
Big Idea Research System
This can be packaged in templates/SOPs:
20-page research document (VATLAS Big Idea document)
Competitor Research
Ad Building Block Template
Post Purchase Survey Template
Research is everything! It all builds on how well you know your customer and what secrets you know about them.
However, the goal is not to create a customer avatar sheet, give the whole thing a name like Magdalena or Peter and have a clear picture in mind.
Eugene Schwartz Quotes
The valuable for you are:
Secrets only your customers know
Thoughts that are not spoken
Language your audience uses
Guessing Work. No system how these findings are applied in the creatives. It's difficult to get creative and find new ways of marketing that the competition doesn't already have.
A system that constantly feeds us with new insights from customers. The language of the customers can flow directly into the creatives. 20 page research sheet brings more clarity on what to focus on in our messaging. Creatives are built with psychological frameworks and lead to better performance.
research documentPost Purchase Survey TemplateInterface to Creative Strategy (Creative Strategist is responsible for this document and keeps it up to date)
Step 3
High Value Offers
This can be packaged in templates/SOPs:
SOP for Hidden Champion Analysis
Subscription model
Information products
The old way is to only advertise the product or at most the product in a bundle, in the front end.
Especially in the health & wellness niche, the trend is developing that offers not only contain the product, but also additional value in the form of video courses, instructions, community challenges, etc. are developed. The goal is to maximize the value for a new customer. The battle is won before the creatives (tactics) with the right offer (strategy). That's why it takes a lot of brain power for an improved offer at the beginning. In addition, it can be found out which offers maximize the customer lifetime value. It is also important to think about a subscription model here.
Offers that resonate strongly with the target audience, maximize perceived value, maximize AOV and give us room to maneuver in the CAC's.
Step 4
Blue Ocean Angles
How To Unlock Creativity - Framework
Team brainstorming sessions
Finding unique secrets
Most brands have 1-3 marketing angles that they have tried. Mostly the same as the competition. You are swimming in a red ocean. Everyone does the same.Users have already seen the same angles too many times and no longer jump on them.
performance drops. Ad Spend Ceiling, it cannot be scaled any further.
The key to exponential growth is Blue Ocean Angles.
Blue Ocean Angles are marketing perspectives that put your product in a new light,set yourself apart from your competition and open up a whole new market.
Step 5
Educational funnels
Health & Wellness Brands sell just like Fashion Brands.
Product Page
They completely forget the education part. Most of the time, image ads or UGC videos are used to explain the product. It's like when someone approaches you on the street, tells you within 2 minutes what problems you have and recommends a product that you haven't seen before. would you buy You probably need more information and you would like to see more about it. You might ask your doctor for advice. Because after all, it's about your health.
Increasing CAC's because the customer journey of health & wellness products is not understood today.
Education before selling.
Social media users are getting more sophisticated and they know when they are being sold on a product.

This results in increased immunity to ads and it's getting harder to gain user attention.
To get the attention you need to lead with value. Value is being given by educating or entertaining. Health brands should build out their education part and start providing useful information that actually can change peoples lives. With that in mind it's also important to understand what content is going to perform now and in the future. Is it really 30 seconds UGC Content? Health and wellness buyers are more sophisticated and are demanding more information. They want to do their research before they try a product. The customer journey can be consciously provided with more education and selling can be put in the background. Educational funnels are designed to pick up the user from A-Z and provide them with all the information they are looking for. The focus here is on unique useful insights that nobody else on the market shares with the user. Users are informed instead of being directly confronted with a product, which they do not yet really understand why this product even exists.
Better conversion rates. Better customer feedback. More robust scalability. Viral effect because a lot of added value is created before anyone even has the product.
Step 6
Creative & UGC Production (UGC, VSL's)
Copywriting (briefings)
UGC Creator Sourcing & Management
Performance driven editing
Asset management
The old way was to produce creatives yourself, or hire a UGC agency to build more creatives.
When done alone, it's almost impossible to keep writing new scripts, testing new ad types, and learning creative skills. As a result, new creatives are sporadically launched because the resources are lacking or too few new ad types are being tested because there is a lack of expertise. UGC Agencies are very efficient and need to have as little cost on their side as possible to be profitable. This means they can also guarantee a lower price per video. But mostly the focus here is on the tactics and not on the overall strategy.
A creative machinery that is fluently integrated into the overall concept and follows a uniform strategy. The testing of creatives produces learnings, which in turn are important for the further development of the funnel. Testing creatives is like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see which ones stick. This is then built on and optimized step by step. The biggest brands don't scale with a one hit wonder creative created by a UGC agency. The valuable is the creative machinery. This is the heart of all marketing.
By increasing the output of creatives and testing different ad types, we quickly find winning creatives that we can scale.
Step 7
Media Buying
Simplified campaign setup
Advanced Strategies
Do your own targeting. Micro Optimizations. Many campaigns live. All creatives in one ad set. Only one creative gets all of the ad spend. No real creative testing structure.
Lack of ROAS, high click costs. Creatives never get out of the learning phase.Chad Media Buying. Leveraging the artificial intelligence and algorithm of Facebook. We let creatives do the targeting. Go broad or go home. The tasks as a media buyer have changed completely. The media buyer has the greatest leverage when he carefully prepares insights from the ad account and passes the findings on to the creative team. This creates an optimization cycle.
Increase ROAS with less effort.
Step 8
Multichannel leadership
Multi Channel BI Dashboard
Learnings Hub and Sync Calls Guide & Template
Explanation of the problem of the agency Silos with picture
Problem: Agency silos
Everyone must be connected.
It takes an Expert Leader.
The old way is to just focus on one channel at a time like Meta and look at the ROAS on the platform.

But that forgets an important change that has happened on social media. The customer journeys have changed. A user looks at a Facebook ad but does not buy it.

2 days later he sees a Google ad and puts something in his shopping cart.

7 days later, through an Instagram ad, he remembers that he wanted to order and forgot. He doesn't click the ad. And goes to the shopping cart and buys. Which channel is the purchase now assigned to?

This tracking problem has become even more difficult since iOS 14.

All tools can only make assumptions as to which channel now had the most influence on the purchase.
The result is mostly stagnant growth. Agencies don't know why no results can be achieved. False expectations arise because one thinks one can grow maximally with a 4 ROAS.
Therefore, the new way is to build a multi-channel business intelligence dashboard and to form an individual strategy based on overall shop data and through deep data analysis that comes as close as possible to the truth.
More shop sales. More clarity for the numbers.

Das sagen einige Partner über uns:

“Mit VATLAS haben wir unseren ersten 7-stelligen Monat erreicht und wir haben nun ein optimiertes Meta Setup, womit wir stark skalieren können!”
Felix Kleine
Co-Founder - Health Routine
“Content-seitig war eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Creator:innen erkennbar und von Vorteil und wir konnten unseren Output an Ads durch Vatlas immens erhöhen. Einzelne Videos waren richtige High-Performer.”
Lukas Rauscher
Marketing Lead - Oatsome
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